Fat Lady Nunish take a seat on her slave, letting her full weight hold him perfectly still, then rub her stinking feet all over his face. Wearing nylons and a corset that is stretched to maximum capacity, she makes sure that he has no option but to inhale the awful aroma that emanates from her rarely washed feet. No matter how much he begs to be set free, she is too lazy to get up.
This lesbian, decked out in her blue jeans and boys haircut is going to torture this slave by connecting her foot with his balls over and over again. She takes a running start and kicks hims squarely in the balls, making him fall down to the floor. She's not done though, because she immediately steps right up on him and marches up and down his body while he moans in agony.
This scene goes way beyond crush and moves into squashing territory. This huge but sexy BBW stands over this skinny slave and he has fear in his eyes. She sits on top of him and he is in instant pain as her heavy body crushes him with her full weight. She gets her body all the way on top of him and he is completely squashed by the time she is through.
It's not enough that this beautiful and deadly ebony BBW crushes this slave by trampling him with her full weight. She also wears boots to add to the pain. She stands on him and walks all over his body like he was a human carpet then jumps up and down crushing him. She digs the heels of the boots into his flesh and crushes his body with her full weight.
Femdom Mystique is new to this game and this is the first time when she humiliates her slave. It seems that she knows her stuff and also she really enjoys doing this. Her slave sustained her full weight, 250 lbs. She stands without hesitation on him, she walks on his chest and belly and she will also try to sit on his neck. His suffering and humiliation is her passion.
Lia invites her girlfriend to her place to humiliate Matt, the slave. This two femdoms will destroy him under their weights: they will sit on him, bounce on him, jump and drop until he will be in serious pain. Who cares? The torture continues until this two mistresses will think it is enough. Matt knows what this means and he needs to suffer in silence because he can't do anything.
Sandra is a naughty girl. She has her nylons on and she wants to have some fun with her slave. Because she is a true femdom, she will sit on his face with her ass. She doesn't care if he is hurt or not. Now, he is just a chair. She is a real dominater and her slave will never say a word about this because he is really affraid.
Luna is a sexy and fat mistress and she has somewhere about 500+ lb. She loves to throw her weight on her slave and for him, this is extremely scary. She has fun doint it and she likes to start by sitting on him when he sits on the couch. Of course, this will not be enough for Luna. She will order her slave to go down on the floor.
This wife is a real mistress. She really enjoys humiliating her husband. He became her slave. When she reads, she likes to sit with her ass on his face. She likes when her husband smells her butt. And you think this is enough for her? No! She will also put her entire weight on him so he can suffer like a slave that he is. This wife is really cruel.
Sandra is a mistress who likes to push things to the extreme. She likes to make sure that her slaves respect her but they do not really respect her but rather they fear her. She tried to choke her slave by covering his mouth while at the same time seating on his stomach. In both cases, the slave could not breathe properly but she did not care what happened to him.