Mistress Jacky wanted this guy to know that she did not tolerate any nonsense from anyone. So he had to learn his lesson and he had to learn it the hard way. That is why the mistress used her big ass to smother him because she knew he would have to lick her sweaty ass and he would also be choked and as such, would learn his lesson. He did.
Mistress Aidaa and mistress Erika took this guy at his word but he was lying to them and did not meet their expectations. They were infuriated as they felt cheated. They were not going to allow him to get away with his lies. That is why they punished him cruelly. The bbw mistresses used their asses to fart on him and to smother him. He never lied again as the mistresses were planning something even worse in case he did it again.
Mistress G has a big ass and she loves to get her big ass and her pussy licked. So she asked this guy to do that for her and she would forgive him for what he had done. Mistress G got the guy to lick her pussy and her asshole and he did it as well as she wanted. She came several times as he did it and she forgave him.
Lady Shay has a big ass and she loves to dominate people for her own fun. And today was no exception as she used her ass to do it. She knew that a lot of guys had a thing for her big ass and she recorded her ass as she played with it and she sent the video to a few of them just to mess with them. Many fell for the trap.
This mistress does not let people get under her skin. That is why she was not affected by what this guy said about her and about her body. But she knew that not everyone had her self esteem and that he could hurt someone else badly. So she punished him by smothering him with her bbw body to teach him that if he made fun of it, it could also be used to torture him.
When it comes to dominating people and having the last laugh, this mistress knows how to go about it and how to do it. She had quit her job because it was a toxic environment for her but she had to punish her ex boss. That is why she waited for the perfect chance and when it came, she used her BBW ass to smother him and teach him how to deal with people especially employees.
Mizz Thyck has a big ass and today when she had a disagreement with this girl who is also a BBW, she used her ass to settle the issue. She ass smothered the girl with her ass and she choked her. The girl could not breathe properly and she cried and begged her to stop but the mistress only did it when she was about to pass out. The girl gained profound respect for Mizz Thyck.
Mistress Anastasia wanted to show off her big body because she knew that for all those who did not like her body, there were those who loved her and would do anything to get her. So she did not want to stay away from them because of haters. That is why she created a blog to share her hot body and all of its awesomeness for the right person to find.
Mistress Keysha was out to punish this guy and she did it in a mean and cruel way. She chose to trample him and stomp on him which she did using her high heels. He had to endure what she did to him because he had no alternative. He knew better than to mess with her again and told her he would never do it again. He kept his word.
BBW mistress wanted to teach this guy to learn to cooperate and so she did it with her big ass. She used her bbw ass to smother him and she also forced him to lick it. He was humiliated and he realized that he had to change and to do things the way she liked if he was to avoid being humiliated and dominated by the mistress. He never saw it coming.